10 Minute Wireless Downtime Monday October 4th - Scheduled Work Has Been Completed

Computers and devices on all wireless networks will experience a 10 minute loss of connectivity at either 3:30 p.m. or 9 p.m. (based on location) on Monday October 4th to patch an urgent issue. This includes equipment such as WoWs, Rover Phones, Laptops, EKG devices, and other clinical modalities that use the wireless networks (mercury, voice, priv-psk, and guest-net).

At 3:30 p.m. all locations listed here will not have wireless connectivity for approximately 10 minutes.

  • Milstein Hospital
  • Heart Center
  • Neuro Institute
  • MSPH
  • Eye Institute
  • HIP

At 9:00 p.m. all other locations - including any remote workers using one of the named wireless networks - will lose connectivity for 10 minutes.

We apologize for the short notice. The downtime was scheduled after consulting with NYPH to patch an issue causing widespread problems with wireless.  We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.